
Prepping for surgery

Hey Peoples...

Tomorrow is the day that I finally get my surgery! I'll admit, I am a little nervous! But it's more of an excited nervous!!

I've been waiting to get this for such a long time!! And the day is almost finally here!!

Since I'll be out for a good week or so, I'll be able to probably pay more attention to my blog, and gather some more followers!! And then also maybe get a good theme to my blog. Cuz right now, I feel like it's all over the place!! Haha, I'll just find some help with that!

Anyways, today is my brother's 33rd Birthday!! Happy BDay to him!! He's great! And some fam is over so I'm gonna stop being anti social and be with them

Have a great Sunday folks!!

I had a riveting question of the day on my facebook on friday, i may have to make it the question of the day tomorrow...hopefully i'll get some good responces!! Looking forward to it!! =]


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