
Question of the Day!!!

What's so wrong with same sex marriage? People act like gays/lesbians aren't human, they're being treated like a different species. Who has the right to tell someone, gay straight black white, whom to get married to? For those who don't believe in same sex marriage, do you think interracial marriage is wrong too? Gimme some opinions.

I posted this question on my FB and got 50 responses, mostly by the same girl. But here's some sample opinions that I got.

Rae:Who defines who's allowed to be with who because at one point black people couldn't get married and to me it's just like that...discrimination. Another thing I'll never understand is gay couples adopting children. So a drug addict can go ahead and have a kid and a mother on ... Read More welfare can be allowed to have 14 kids but a stable couple cannot adopt a child and take them out of state care into a loving home because they're both the same sex...? I see a problem with that. I mean I understand too that people have their religious beliefs and I completely respect that but for those people when was the last time a gay couple actually did something to them? Did it really affect their lives other than making them mad?

Jamar:Religion and Legislature should never mix. Its in our constitution first of all. Your beliefs should not govern over anothers convictions. Being married doesnt harm you and these days if you can get two PEOPLE period to stay together, thats a miracle in itself.

Homosexuality is a demonic spirit that one has to be freed from

That was just one of the many many disturbing things she was saying, i wish you all could friend me on facebook so you could see the things she was saying



Just a quick FYI, ya'll have GOT to go see the Hangover.

This movie is hilarious, I haven't laughed so much watching a movie in such a loOoOng time! LoL

Go see it!! lol

Prepping for surgery

Hey Peoples...

Tomorrow is the day that I finally get my surgery! I'll admit, I am a little nervous! But it's more of an excited nervous!!

I've been waiting to get this for such a long time!! And the day is almost finally here!!

Since I'll be out for a good week or so, I'll be able to probably pay more attention to my blog, and gather some more followers!! And then also maybe get a good theme to my blog. Cuz right now, I feel like it's all over the place!! Haha, I'll just find some help with that!

Anyways, today is my brother's 33rd Birthday!! Happy BDay to him!! He's great! And some fam is over so I'm gonna stop being anti social and be with them

Have a great Sunday folks!!

I had a riveting question of the day on my facebook on friday, i may have to make it the question of the day tomorrow...hopefully i'll get some good responces!! Looking forward to it!! =]



Did you know....

On this day in history,Edward White became the first American to walk in space?!


No Title Needed..Just Read...

This post was originally posted June 13th 2008 by yours truly =]

Ahh, I believe every lady should just take a moment to boy bash, just about exes, exes that did you wrong, exes that just did some stupid ass stuff that STILL has your ass sayin 'wtf?!', and exes that are just plan dumb!

Yes, they are our exes for a reason, and guess what ladies, it's THEIR lost (unless your ass did some stupid shit too, it's not only the fellas who can get that low!!)

Anyways, my friend A and I had a nice little 'boy bashing' talk today, these boys think they're men. They think you're so dumb, that you don't see the obvious right in front of our faces, they leave you for a whore that's been around the block, downtown, down the street, across the country and BACK...TWICE (and they know it), they say that they don't want you any more but constantly call you, they cheat on you and then want you back, (why don't you just go see that hoe u cheated on me with!!?!), they cheat on you when you have an 8 month old baby WITH a married hoe with 2 kids and then come and say, let me see my damn baby, (bitch go see that hoe's babies that you cheated on me with!). Why do men, boys play these games? Why do men cheat? Why isn't the woman you're with ever really good enough? I really think that those are some questions that will never have a good enough answer.

I seriously, from the bottom of my heart hope that they grow up, and get themselves and their lives better, because although they're assholes/jerks/little boys in a grown man's body, they're still human and i just hope and pray for the best for them. even though they probably hope and pray for the worst for me and us, it's okay, i've always been taught to be the bigger person and *kill em with kindness* no matter how hard they try to hurt you..

So for my ladies out there that's going through tough times, just keep your head up!! Don't ever let a boy see or make you cry! If they were the right ones for you, they wouldn't make you cry! They would be there to dry any tears, and then kick the person's ass who made you cry!! Don't be down after you're man cheated (or after a break up), even though that's real hard to say, but they're just not worth moping around for a week, just wasting your time and energy...take that energy and go pamper yourselves with your girls! Go see a chick flick!! Go shake your ass!! And who knows, you might even meet some future potentials =] But of course, there's nothing wrong with eating a half a pound of ice cream WHILE you watch the movie with your girls, as long as you're having fun and it takes your mind off the bad stuff!

Don't dwell on the past, Just learn from it!

Yo. This one is for the Dudes out there!

Hey Guys, hope all is well for you all. I have a few questions for ya'll. Hopefully I'll get some answers that make sence.

1. Why do men cheat?
2. Why do men think that they will get away with cheating when they should know that it will come back and bite them on the ass?
3. Do men get a kick out of how many girls they can pull in a certain time frame?--When they have a girl friend?
4. Why have a wifey and still have girls on the side? (Don't give me that why have the main course and nothing on the side bs)
5. Why do you think we ladies should take you back over and over?
6. Why do men tell lies? (Don't give me that, 'lies can spare feelings bs)
7. Do men enjoy it when ladies cry over them? And my ladies, please don't cry over dudes! Cuz they sure as hell don't care to cry over us...what do they do? go out and chose another girl to mess with for the night.

Anyways, i'm gonna go find an old old old blog that i wrote a while back on myspace and post it here...i'll be back...
