
Please Pray for Haiti!

Please pray for Haiti!

Haiti. Still in my prayers. Keep your heads high my friends, you know who you are. Stay in touch with the man above. Prayer works. God listens.

Donate $10 for Haiti to the American Red Cross to 90999 you will be billed straight to your phone bill. Also text YELE to 501 501 & $5 will go toward the relief. Haiti has needed our help for years, it's sad that something so devastating had to happen for people to hop to it...but let's be grateful.

And be aware of scams...yes scams. It's ridic that there are scams out there. SMH

My friend's little sisters TWO best friends parents are in Haiti and still have not been in contact with them These girls are like MY little sisters and they're just in shock. Please keep them in your prayers.

My ex boyfriend's mother and her family, I haven't been in contact with him but he's still in my prayers, along with that side of his family.

I'm doing my best to donate what ever I can. Please do your best to do your part. Anything helps.

Prayer works people. Talk to God. He's great. He's a loving God.

Thank you.


New job! Headed towards my future!

I officially start my new job on Sunday. This needs to be my job for at least the next 5 years. This is the beginning of a new chapter in my life!

I need to keep repeating this to myself. I officially have a good job with benefits! Yay for almost adulthood! Lets just call it young adulthood!

My plan is to continue my schooling, get two Master's degrees, one in Communication, and the next an M.B.A. All while working this job. Then after that, venture on into my next chapter of life!

I have so many plans for myself, I have put them all into perspective and figured out how to make them into reality!

I can do this. I've got this! This is MY year! I give all my thanks to my main Man above!

I give all my thanks to my God. He is good, all the time. I wouldn't be anything without his help and his guidance.

I hope you all have your goals in perspective. And I wish you all the best in achieving them!



This really bugs me....

Women out to get men for their money....by trapping them with babies.

It happens to everybody. Celebrities, pro athletes, college soon to be pro athletes, and my brothers.

I believe that everyone involved is wrong. The boys, the girls. Ugh! It just bugs me, I feel like it's all a game now! Women....no not women, girls that play these games just disgust me, and it makes many other young ladies look bad! And men, hello, have you not heard of a condom?! These girls are out to plot on these men and their money.

There's this particular situation, with an athlete in my hometown. I had a huge crush on him, I already knew about his baby momma, until on a little tiny chat show he does with him and his team mates, he said he had to check up on his kidS...kids....with an S. Plural. He has two baby mommas. I know he may be young, new to the pro athlete status, but really? Couldn't have he been smarter to wait to see what this girl was like? Learn her last name before hopping in bed with no protection and then becoming stuck for 18 years.......I think it's the Miami mess that some of these athletes get into. They're in just as much shock as these groupies are. They learn that the athlete plays for a certain team, they push themselves all over them. I see this when I go out all the time. It's kinda embarrassing. Why do I get embarrassed? I think it's because I personally know better. I'm not out to make a fool out of myself just to get the attention of an athlete.

Hell, I'm not out to make a fool out of myself to get the attention of anyone! What kinda mess is that?! It's just one of those questions that I don't think will ever be answered, and it won't end any time soon. Which is very sad. It's the beginning of a cycle. I say it's the beginning because I'm of age now where I see it happening, and if this did happen back in the 80's and 90's then those children are coming of age now, and I hope they can kind of see what happened and learn from it...

Why do groupies think it's okay to have a strangers' baby, the only thing you know about them is that they're an athlete and then live off them for years? That's not cool. That's not a way to live.

What happened to the women who had goals, who wanted a make a living for themselves and then poof oh-look what just popped up- an equally successful man (or whatever kind of man you want).

OH! An even better question, what happened to dating? Dating...getting to know your partner. Getting to know your athlete, getting to know your business man, getting to know the person you are attracted to, to see if there can be a future...

I always ALWAYS told myself that I would never date an athlete. I grew up around them, I knew how they acted even though I was always considered their little sister. (The real kind of little sister, not like those ones around my school that call themselves their lil sister because they HAVE to be nice to them because they have to keep their dirty little nasty secrets...but that's a whole different post for a totally different day :) )

Anyways, they have my back, they watch out for me, and they give me REAL advice, even when I really don't wanna hear it (hmm...just like my other blood brothers ha) but one day, I broke my rule. And of course, in the end, I think I got cheated on, and he did it with a slore. (Definition - Slore: Portmanteau-Slaughter, Slut, Whore: Girl who has multiple sex partners on same teams, multiple (more than 3) in same night, girl who uses her bad body (bad as in terrible, gross, what happened? and disfigured) to attract the willing men who want her because they heard of her mouth.......) Anyways. I got cheated on, I was so hurt. I was super sad. I talked to one of my brothers and in a nutshell, he basically said that the guy fell in love with that sexual acts that she did, and that I was holding out on him because I wanted to get to know HIM for the person that he is and not HIM the ATHLETE. But I missed out.

My bad for wanting to get to know him before I slept with him. Oh well. His loss.

Anyways, I feel like this post is more of a vent than anything because I kinda lost my way....

Point is, these girls need to grow up into women, especially the ones that already 'caught' their baller and have a child with them. This life is not a game! This life is precious, so start treating it like that! Oh gosh, when will they ever learn?


Happy New Year loves!


It's great!

This year, I don't have any resolutions, just promises to myself. I have to put myself first in life. I have to fight for my goals and reach them. I will put my goals into reality and put them all in order! This year, it's SO my time to succeed. I've felt it for the longest time.

I will leave 2009 in the past. I'm not going to bring up any old issues, any old drama, and I'm leaving the lames behind!

I hope you all have a wonderful year! Live it up! Stay focused, don't let any one get you off track! Stay blessed.
